The 6 of Cups and the Fool are both are bringing the feeling of childhood into this reading. The 10 of Wands represents the completion of hard work or working toward the completion of something challenging. This reading is asking you to approach whatever this is with a beginner’s mind. This may be something that you have been working on for a very long time but this reading is asking you to look at this task as something that you have never done before and look at it like you were approaching to learn it for the first time. If you are feeling over worked at the moment, this could also be a gentle nudge to slow down and enjoy life. Are you working to live or living to work? Are you carrying your work life into your home life? Find balance and find ways to take the pressure of expertise off of yourself and approach this with a clean slate. You can always start over at any time for any reason.
Spider- Mystery, growth
What a wild web we weave, dear child, a delicious mystery untamed.
Spider is one of the ultimate animal manifesters; however, she doesn’t go out and force what she wants. She doesn’t obsess over when she’ll catch something in her weave. She casts her net and allows the powers that be the time and space to bring something into her web. True manifestation isn’t about wishing; it’s about planting your seeds and trusting them to grow into something worthwhile.
Spider has come crawling into your spread to remind you to cast your weave then give it time to catch your prey. Spirit is also asking you to give the ‘wish me a car’ stuff a break. Set your intentions but then let them go. Don’t obsess about how long it’s taking your intention to come to life or your spell to work. Focusing on getting your way only draws attention to the fact that you do not have it. That is the space where doubt creeps in and doubt is the destroyer of magic.
Trying to take control of how something will come to you may be the very thing that keeps your goal from happening. Remember the powers that be are smarter than you. They know all, see all, and know the best path to take. It might take longer, but what if you discovered something you didn’t even know you needed or wanted along the way?
Cold Moon – Release, Purge, Resourcefulness, Nurturing
Take with thy deariest of moments. Release me for their tongue and nourish me with light.
The Cold Moon is a full moon that occurs in December. Like all full moons it represents illumination and brings clarity to things that have remained hidden. Having a full understanding of your situation allows you to release what has held you back and see resources you may have missed otherwise. Now is not the time to give up. There is support and help for you.
The Cold Moon is shining on your spread guiding you to see how many resources you have. You may have to look in unexpected places that perhaps have escaped your notice until now. Or you may need a change in perspective. You could be focused on what’s wrong rather than seeing the additional pathways to success that are available to you now.