This reading is all about creation. The 3 of Cups is a card of collaboration. It is the party card of the deck but in this case it has the vibe of bringing people together for the purpose of creating something new. The Empress is also about Creation. She is creation. She is fertility, abundance, nature and beauty. Maybe this is a sign that your creative endeavors will be more successful if you embrace nature and community. Embrace and nurture yourself as if you are your own mother that you need. Give yourself encouragement and nurturing.  The Knight of Pentacles is a reminder that slow and steady wins the race. We don’t need to be over the top, extravagant or even perfect. We just need to keep moving forward. The Knight of Pentacles knows his worth and just moves forward and does the work. It doesn’t matter if anyone else gets it, they don’t need to.  This is a time to focus the energy on what is important to you, not anyone else. When you focus on this, the community and people who are vibing on the same frequency will emerge.  Who and what inspire you to be creative? Allow yourself some movement, preferably outdoors to get your energy flowing. The answers for you will come as you allow this quiet movement to flow through you.
Falling in Love – Losing Control, Connection, Partnership
The thorns of roses rip open the heart only for thy petals to bleed into thy soul.
Love is a beautiful feeling. It makes you giddy and you see life through a lens of beautiful optimism and joy. You can experience this feeling in all areas of your life. You can have a love for a partner and family, but also a creative project, a memento and, of course, love for yourself. You are being guided to find new ways to fall in love with your life. Perhaps now is a time to welcome a new hobby, try a new skill, or seek love by meeting new people.
Remain open-minded for love can come in unexpected ways. You may consider trying something you’d typically avoid or saying yes to invitations you’d usually turn down. You may find yourself in the unexpected company of a potential soulmate or be introduced to something that truly sets your soul on fire. If you are already in a loving relationship, pulling this card is a sign of a renewed strength in your partnership.
Snow-Softness, Patience, Allowing
There is beauty in the divine that settles on thy flesh, a magical enchantment bestowed in purity.
How beautiful is a white winder Christmas? It’s as if the heavens cover the world in a blanket of purity and blessings. The air seems fresher, everything looks brighter and cleaner. When snow falls it feels like little drops of wisdom are falling from the cosmos. Each flurry offers a chance to connect with the divine for wisdom and guidance.
Water has long been associated with access to the spiritual realms and snow’s healing properties are similar. But water can be overwhelming, chaotic, a massive force. Snow is soft, pure and gently whispers, allowing its healing to settle lightly upon you rather than being overwhelmed by an enormous flood.
Snow is falling in your spread as a reminder to soften. There is no need to know everything at once nor is there any reason to rush. Allow things to gently come to you over time. Operating from a place of force is when mistakes happen. Or worse, you can end up running over everything and everyone in your path causing more obstacles, heartache, and disruptions. Snow reminds you that force breaks more than it creates. Be gentle as you move ahead and trust that all will be revealed in due time.
Wise Man- Intellect, Power, Conviction
If it wasn’t for the familiar songs that echo through my spine, I would have lost what is lost and never found my purpose.
Wise Men guide you to use your logic and intellect at this time. There are times to be driven by the heart and emotion, but there are also times when your convictions, beliefs and what you know to be right serve as your north star. This is one of those times. Pulling Wise Men is a sign that you need clarity of mind to navigate your situation. Pulling the Wise Men card is also a sign that you are ready to step up and be the leader for others to follow.
Wise Men may also come to a reading to represent a person in your life who has considerable power and authority. This person may be a lawyer, mentor, financial advisor or teacher who has the experience needed to guide you on your path. If you do not have someone in your life who fits this description, you are being guided to find someone to call on for advice. Having a wise sage in your corner is always a good idea.